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Horror Movie Titles

cast, creepy, dirty, film, grunge, Halloween, horror, movie, opening credits, rough, scary, title sequence, titles, traditional

Overview of Horror Movie Titles

Be afraid! A very scary horror title sequence for After Effects!

The sequence is styled like an old slide projector. As the retro slides stutter into place gruesome cracks appear and, as the sequence progresses, the frames become more and more affected by a sinister mould-like growth. The entire frame looks as though it’s decomposing in front of our eyes.

The menacing, barren tree images have purposely been blacked out, framing the text with their grotesque, shadowy forms.

What could I use Horror Movie Titles template for?

The project is perfect for your creepy Halloween message or perhaps your movie about a haunted house with ghostly encounters and paranormal activity – maybe you’re planning a zombie apocalypse!

These titles would also work for a dark, psychological crime thrillers or a chilling murder documentary.


There are 10 placeholders for text, plus, the creepy tree images are included with the project!

• No Plugins Required
• Images Included
• High Definition 1080p

Not Included

Music is for preview purposes only and NOT INCLUDED in the download.

  Music Link

Software Requirements

This project requires Adobe After Effects CS5 (and above) to edit.

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This template is available to license and download from the official Adobe Stock library.

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